Source code for xled.udp_client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


A Simple UDP class

import socket
from xled.exceptions import ReceiveTimeout


[docs]class UDPClient(object): """ Creates simple UDP client Object can be used either to send to broadcast or unicast address. :param int port: destination port to connect to and from which received packets will be read. :param destination_host: unicast IP address to send packets to. If broadcast parameter is set to True and this parameter is left to None :py:const:`DEFAULT_BROADCAST` is used automatically. :type destination_host: str or None :param bool broadcast: use broadcast for a socket """ def __init__( self, port, destination_host=None, broadcast=False, receive_timeout=None ): self.port = port self.broadcast = broadcast self.receive_timeout = receive_timeout if destination_host: self.destination_host = destination_host elif broadcast: self.destination_host = DEFAULT_BROADCAST else: raise ValueError("Destination host cannot be None if broadcast is not set.") self._handle = None @property def handle(self): """ Socket handler for send/recv """ if self._handle is None: _handle = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP ) if self.broadcast: _handle.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) _handle.bind(("", 0)) if self.receive_timeout: _handle.settimeout(self.receive_timeout) self._handle = _handle assert self._handle is not None return self._handle
[docs] def close(self): """Closes socket handler""" self.handle.close()
[docs] def send(self, message): """ Send a message :param str message: message to send :return: number of bytes sent :rtype: int """ return self.handle.sendto(message, 0, (self.destination_host, self.port))
[docs] def recv(self, bufsize): """ Blocks until message is received :param int bufsize: the maximum amount of data to be received at once :return: received message, sender address :rtype: tuple """ while True: try: buf, addrinfo = self.handle.recvfrom(bufsize) except socket.timeout: raise ReceiveTimeout continue assert len(addrinfo) == 2 host, port = addrinfo break return buf, host