Source code for xled.control

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


This module contains interface to control specific device

.. seealso::

        for more details about API that is used by the application.

        for various operations.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import collections
import io
import logging
import struct
import base64
from operator import xor

import xled.util
from xled.udp_client import UDPClient
from xled.auth import BaseUrlChallengeResponseAuthSession
from xled.compat import xrange
from xled.exceptions import HighInterfaceError
from xled.response import ApplicationResponse

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: UDP port to send realtime frames to

#: Time format as defined by C standard

[docs]class ControlInterface(object): """ Main interface to control specific device :param str host: Hostname (or IP address) of a device to control """ def __init__(self, host, hw_address=None): = host self.hw_address = hw_address self._session = None self._udpclient = None self._base_url = None @property def base_url(self): if not self._base_url: self._base_url = "http://{host}/xled/v1/".format( assert self._base_url return self._base_url @property def session(self): """ Session object to operate on :return: session object with auth :py:class:`~.auth.BaseUrlChallengeResponseAuthSession()`. :rtype: requests.Session """ if not self._session: self._session = BaseUrlChallengeResponseAuthSession( hw_address=self.hw_address, base_url=self.base_url ) assert self._session return self._session @property def udpclient(self): """ Client for sending UDP packets to the realtime port :return: the UDP client :py:class:`~.udp_client.UDPClient()`. :rtype: udp_client.UDPClient """ if not self._udpclient: self._udpclient = UDPClient(REALTIME_UDP_PORT_NUMBER, assert self._udpclient return self._udpclient
[docs] def check_status(self): """ Checks that the device is online and responding :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("status") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def delete_movies(self): """ Remove all uploaded movies. .. seealso:: :py:meth:`get_movies()` :py:meth:`set_movies_new()` :py:meth:`set_movies_full()` :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.delete("movies") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def delete_playlist(self): """ Clears the playlist .. seealso:: :py:meth:`get_playlist()` :py:meth:`set_playlist()` :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.delete("playlist") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def firmware_0_update(self, firmware): """ Uploads first stage of the firmware :param firmware: file-like object that points to firmware file. :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response ="fw/0/update", data=firmware) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) return app_response
[docs] def firmware_1_update(self, firmware): """ Uploads second stage of the firmware :param firmware: file-like object that points to firmware file. :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response ="fw/1/update", data=firmware) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) return app_response
[docs] def firmware_update(self, stage0_sha1sum, stage1_sha1sum=None): """ Performs firmware update from previously uploaded images :param str stage0_sha1sum: SHA1 digest of first stage :param str stage1_sha1sum: SHA1 digest of second stage :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ json_payload = { "checksum": { "stage0_sha1sum": stage0_sha1sum, } } if stage1_sha1sum is not None: json_payload["checksum"]["stage1_sha1sum"] = stage1_sha1sum response ="fw/update", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) return app_response
[docs] def firmware_version(self): """ Gets firmware version :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("fw/version", withhold_token=True) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"version", u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_brightness(self): """ Gets current brightness level and if dimming is applied :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("led/out/brightness") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code", u"mode", u"value"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_device_info(self): """ Gets detailed information about device :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("gestalt", withhold_token=True) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_device_name(self): """ Gets device name. .. seealso:: :py:meth:`set_device_name()` :raises ApplicationError: on application error :return: current device name. :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("device_name") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code", u"name"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_led_color(self): """ Gets the color used in color mode :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("led/color") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [ u"code", u"hue", u"saturation", u"value", u"red", u"green", u"blue", ] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_led_config(self): """ Gets the structural configuration of the leds in term of strings :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("led/config") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"strings", u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_led_effects_current(self): """ Gets the current effect index :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("led/effects/current") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_led_effects(self): """ Gets the number of effects and their unique_ids :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("led/effects") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"effects_number", u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_led_layout(self): """ Gets the physical layout of the leds .. seealso:: :py:meth:`set_led_layout()` :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("led/layout/full") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"source", u"synthesized", u"coordinates", u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_led_movie_config(self): """ Gets the parameters for playing the uploaded movie :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("led/movie/config") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"frame_delay", u"leds_number", u"frames_number", u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_mode(self): """ Gets current LED operation mode. .. seealso:: :py:meth:`set_mode()` to set modes. :raises ApplicationError: on application error :return: current LED operation mode. See :py:meth:`set_mode()` for possible return values. :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("led/mode") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code", u"mode"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_movies(self): """ Gets list of uploaded movies. .. seealso:: :py:meth:`delete_movies()` :py:meth:`set_movies_new()` :py:meth:`set_movies_full()` :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("movies") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"movies", u"available_frames", u"max_capacity", u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_movies_current(self): """ Gets the movie id of the currently played movie in the movie list .. seealso:: :py:meth:`set_movies_current()` :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("movies/current") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"id", u"unique_id", u"name", u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_mqtt_config(self): """ Gets the mqtt configuration parameters .. seealso:: :py:meth:`set_mqtt_config()` :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("mqtt/config") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_network_status(self): """ Gets network status :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("network/status") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"mode", u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_playlist(self): """ Gets the current playlist .. seealso:: :py:meth:`delete_playlist()` :py:meth:`set_playlist()` :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("playlist") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"entries", u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_playlist_current(self): """ Gets the movie id of the currently played movie in the playlist .. seealso:: :py:meth:`set_playlist_current()` :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("playlist/current") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"id", u"unique_id", u"name", u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_saturation(self): """ Gets current saturation level and if desaturation is applied :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("led/out/saturation") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code", u"mode", u"value"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def get_timer(self): """ Gets current timer :type time_now: int or None :raises ApplicationError: on application error :return: {time_on, time_off, time_now}. See :py:meth:`set_timer()` for explanation of return values. :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("timer") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"time_now", u"time_off", u"time_on"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def led_reset(self): """ Resets LED :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("led/reset") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def network_scan(self): """ Initiate WiFi network scan :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("network/scan") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def network_scan_results(self): """ Get results of WiFi network scan :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = self.session.get("network/scan_results") app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"networks", u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_brightness(self, brightness=None, enabled=True, relative=False): """ Sets new brightness or enable/disable brightness dimming :param brightness: new brightness in range of 0..100 or a relative change in -100..100 or None if no change is requested :param bool enabled: set to False if no dimming should be applied :param bool relative: set to True to make a relative change :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ if brightness is not None: if relative: assert brightness in range(-100, 101) json_payload = {"value": brightness, "type": "R"} # Relative else: assert brightness in range(0, 101) json_payload = {"value": brightness, "type": "A"} # Absolute if enabled: json_payload["mode"] = "enabled" else: json_payload["mode"] = "disabled" response ="led/out/brightness", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_device_name(self, name): """ Sets new device name :param str name: new device name :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ assert len(name) <= 32 json_payload = {"name": name} response ="device_name", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_led_color_hsv(self, h, s, v): """ Sets the color used in color mode, given as HSV (hue, saturation, value) :param int h: hue component [0, 360] :param int s: saturation component [0, 255] :param int v: value component [0, 255] :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ json_payload = {"hue": h, "saturation": s, "value": v} response ="led/color", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_led_color_rgb(self, r, g, b): """ Sets the color used in color mode, given as RGB :param int r: red component :param int g: green component :param int b: blue component :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ json_payload = {"red": r, "green": g, "blue": b} response ="led/color", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_led_effects_current(self, effect_id): """ Sets the current effect of effect mode :param int effect_id: id of effect :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ json_payload = {"effect_id": effect_id} response ="led/effects/current", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_led_layout(self, source, coordinates, synthesized=False): """ Sets the physical layout of the leds :param str source: 2d, 3d, or linear :param list coordinates: list of dictionaries with keys 'x', 'y', and 'z' :param bool synthesized: presumably whether it is synthetic or real coordinates :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ assert source in ["linear", "2d", "3d"] assert isinstance(coordinates, list) json_payload = { "source": source, "coordinates": coordinates, "synthesized": synthesized, } response ="led/layout/full", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_led_movie_config(self, frame_delay, frames_number, leds_number): """ Sets movie configuration for the last uploaded movie :param int frame_delay: speed of movie (delay between frames in ms) :param int leds_number: total number of LEDs :param int frames_number: total number of frames :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ json_payload = { "frame_delay": frame_delay, "frames_number": frames_number, "leds_number": leds_number, } response ="led/movie/config", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_led_movie_full(self, movie): """ Uploads movie :param movie: file-like object that points to movie file. :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ head = {"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"} response ="led/movie/full", headers=head, data=movie) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_mode(self, mode): """ Sets new LED operation mode. :param str mode: Mode to set. One of 'movie', 'playlist', 'rt', 'demo', 'effect', 'color' or 'off'. :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ assert mode in ("movie", "playlist", "rt", "demo", "effect", "color", "off") json_payload = {"mode": mode} response ="led/mode", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_movies_current(self, movie_id): """ Sets which movie in the movie list to play .. seealso:: :py:meth:`get_movies_current()` :param int movie_id: id of movie to play :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ json_payload = {"id": movie_id} response ="movies/current", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_movies_full(self, movie): """ Uploads a movie to the movie list Presumes that 'set_movies_new' has been called earlier with the movie params. .. seealso:: :py:meth:`get_movies()` :py:meth:`delete_movies()` :py:meth:`set_movies_new()` :param movie: file-like object that points to movie file. :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ head = {"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"} response ="movies/full", headers=head, data=movie) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_movies_new(self, name, uid, dtype, nleds, nframes, fps): """ Prepares the upload of a new movie to the movie list by setting its parameters .. seealso:: :py:meth:`get_movies()` :py:meth:`delete_movies()` :py:meth:`set_movies_full()` :param str name: name of new movie :param str uid: unique id of new movie :param str dtype: descriptor_type, one of rgb_raw, rgbw_raw, or aww_raw :param int nleds: number of leds :param int nframes: number of frames :param int fps: frames per second of the new movie :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ assert len(name) <= 32 json_payload = { "name": name, "unique_id": uid, "descriptor_type": dtype, "leds_per_frame": nleds, "frames_number": nframes, "fps": fps, } response ="movies/new", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_mqtt_config( self, broker_host=None, broker_port=None, client_id=None, user=None, interval=None, ): """ Sets the mqtt configuration parameters .. seealso:: :py:meth:`get_mqtt_config()` :param str broker_host: optional broker host :param int broker_port: optional broker port :param str client_id: optional client_id :param str user: optional user name :param int interval: optional keep alive interval :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ json_payload = {} if broker_host: json_payload["broker_host"] = broker_host if broker_port: json_payload["broker_port"] = broker_port if client_id: json_payload["client_id"] = client_id if interval is not None: json_payload["keep_alive_interval"] = interval if user: json_payload["user"] = user if not json_payload: msg = "At least some value needs to be set" raise ValueError(msg) response ="mqtt/config", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_network_mode_ap(self, password=None): """ Sets network mode to Access Point If password is given, changes the Access Point password (after which you have to connect again with the new password) :param str password: new password to set :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ json_payload = {"mode": 2} if password: json_payload["ap"] = {"password": password, "enc": 4} response ="network/status", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_network_mode_station(self, ssid=None, password=None): """ Sets network mode to Station for firmware up until 2.4.22 The first time you need to provide an ssid and password for the WIFI to connect to. :param str ssid: SSID of the access point to connect to :param str password: password to use :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ json_payload = {"mode": 1} if ssid and password: assert self.hw_address encpassword =, self.hw_address) json_payload["station"] = { "dhcp": 1, "ssid": ssid, "encpassword": encpassword, } else: assert not ssid and not password response ="network/status", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_network_mode_station_v2(self, ssid=None, password=None): """ Sets network mode to Station since firmware version 2.4.30 The first time you need to provide an ssid and password for the WIFI to connect to. :param str ssid: SSID of the access point to connect to :param str password: password to use :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ json_payload = {"mode": 1} if ssid and password: assert self.hw_address encpassword = password, self.hw_address, ) encssid = ssid, self.hw_address, ) json_payload["station"] = { "dhcp": 1, "encssid": encssid, "encpassword": encpassword, } else: assert not ssid and not password response ="network/status", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_playlist(self, entries): """ Sets a new playlist .. seealso:: :py:meth:`get_playlist()` :py:meth:`delete_playlist()` :param list entries: list of playlist entries each with keys "unique_id" and "duration" :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ assert isinstance(entries, list) json_payload = {"entries": entries} response ="playlist", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_playlist_current(self, movie_id): """ Sets which movie in the playlist to play .. seealso:: :py:meth:`get_playlist_current()` :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ json_payload = {"id": movie_id} response ="playlist/current", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_rt_frame_rest(self, frame): """ Uploads a frame in rt-mode, using the ordinary restful protocol :param frame: file-like object that points to frame file. :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ response = "led/rt/frame", headers={"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"}, data=frame, ) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_rt_frame_socket(self, frame, version, leds_number=None): """ Uploads a frame in rt-mode, over an UDP socket. This is much faster than the restful protocol. :param frame: file-like object representing the frame :param version: use protocol version 1, 2 or 3 :param int leds_number: the number of leds (only used in version 1) :rtype: None """ if version == 1: # Send single frame, generation I packet = bytearray(b"\x01") packet.extend(base64.b64decode(self.session.access_token)) packet.extend(struct.pack(">B", leds_number)) packet.extend( self.udpclient.send(packet) elif version == 2: # Send single frame, generation II pre 2.4.14 packet = bytearray(b"\x02") packet.extend(base64.b64decode(self.session.access_token)) packet.extend(b"\x00") packet.extend( self.udpclient.send(packet) else: # Send multi frame, generation II post 2.4.14 packet_size = 900 data_packet = i = 0 while data_packet: packet = bytearray(b"\x03") packet.extend(base64.b64decode(self.session.access_token)) packet.extend(b"\x00\x00") packet.extend(struct.pack(">B", i)) packet.extend(data_packet) self.udpclient.send(packet) data_packet = i += 1
[docs] def set_saturation(self, saturation=None, enabled=True, relative=False): """ Sets new saturation or enable/disable desaturation :param saturation: new saturation in range of 0..100 or a relative change in -100..100 or None if no change is requested :param bool enabled: set to False if no desaturation should be applied :param bool relative: set to True to make a relative change :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ if saturation is not None: if relative: assert saturation in range(-100, 101) json_payload = {"value": saturation, "type": "R"} # Relative else: assert saturation in range(0, 101) json_payload = {"value": saturation, "type": "A"} # Absolute else: json_payload = {} if enabled: json_payload["mode"] = "enabled" else: json_payload["mode"] = "disabled" response ="led/out/saturation", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs] def set_timer(self, time_on, time_off, time_now=None): """ Sets new timer :param int time_on: time when to turn lights on. In seconds after midnight. To disable use -1. :param int time_off: time when to turn lights off. In seconds after midnight. To disable use -1. :param time_now: current time in seconds after midnight. Determined automatically if not set. :type time_now: int or None :raises ApplicationError: on application error :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ assert isinstance(time_on, int) assert time_on >= -1 assert isinstance(time_off, int) assert time_off >= -1 if time_now is None: time_now = xled.util.seconds_after_midnight() log.debug("Setting time now to %s", time_now) json_payload = {"time_on": time_on, "time_off": time_off, "time_now": time_now} response ="timer", json=json_payload) app_response = ApplicationResponse(response) required_keys = [u"code"] assert all(key in app_response.keys() for key in required_keys) return app_response
[docs]class HighControlInterface(ControlInterface): """ High level interface to control specific device """
[docs] def update_firmware(self, stage0, stage1): """ Uploads firmware and runs update :param stage0: file-like object pointing to stage0 of firmware. Must support seek(). :param stage1: file-like object pointing to stage1 of firmware. Must support seek(). :raises ApplicationError: on application error :raises HighInterfaceError: on error during update """ fw_stage_sums = [None, None] for stage in (0, 1): # I don't know how to dynamically construct variable name if stage == 0: fw_stage_sums[stage] = elif stage == 1: fw_stage_sums[stage] = log.debug("Firmware stage %d SHA1SUM: %r", stage, fw_stage_sums[stage]) if not fw_stage_sums[stage]: msg = "Failed to compute SHA1SUM for firmware stage {stage}.".format( stage=stage ) raise HighInterfaceError(msg) assert False uploaded_stage_sums = [None, None] for stage in (0, 1): log.debug("Uploading firmware stage %d...", stage) # I still don't know how to dynamically construct variable name if stage == 0: response = self.firmware_0_update(stage0) elif stage == 1: response = self.firmware_1_update(stage1) log.debug("Firmware stage %d uploaded.", stage) if not response.ok: msg = "Failed to upload stage {stage}: {status_code}".format( stage=stage, status_code=response.status_code ) raise HighInterfaceError(msg) assert False uploaded_stage_sums[stage] = response.get("sha1sum") log.debug( "Uploaded stage %d SHA1SUM: %r", stage, uploaded_stage_sums[stage] ) if not uploaded_stage_sums[stage]: msg = "Device didn't return SHA1SUM for stage {stage}.".format( stage=stage ) raise HighInterfaceError(msg) assert False if fw_stage_sums != uploaded_stage_sums: log.error("Firmware SHA1SUMs: %r != uploaded SHA1SUMs", fw_stage_sums) msg = "Firmware SHA1SUMs doesn't match to uploaded SHA1SUMs." raise HighInterfaceError(msg) assert False else: log.debug("Firmware SHA1SUMs matches.") response = self.firmware_update(fw_stage_sums[0], fw_stage_sums[1]) if not response.ok: msg = "Failed to update firmware: {status_code}.".format( status_code=response.status_code ) raise HighInterfaceError(msg) assert False
[docs] def disable_timer(self): """ Disables timer """ return self.set_timer(-1, -1)
[docs] def get_formatted_timer(self): """ Gets current time and timer :return: namedtuple of formatted entries: current time, turn on time, turn off time. :rtype: namedtuple """ Timer = collections.namedtuple("Timer", ["now", "on", "off"]) device_response = self.get_timer() if xor(device_response["time_on"] == -1, device_response["time_off"] == -1): msg = "Inconsistent timer configuration. On: {timer_on}, off: {timer_off}".format( **device_response ) raise HighInterfaceError(msg) now = device_response["time_now"] now_formatted = xled.util.date_from_seconds_after_midnight(now).strftime( TIME_FORMAT ) if device_response["time_on"] == -1 and device_response["time_off"] == -1: return Timer(now_formatted, False, False) on = device_response["time_on"] on_formatted = xled.util.date_from_seconds_after_midnight(on).strftime( TIME_FORMAT ) off = device_response["time_on"] off_formatted = xled.util.date_from_seconds_after_midnight(off).strftime( TIME_FORMAT ) return Timer(now_formatted, on_formatted, off_formatted)
[docs] @staticmethod def write_static_movie(file_obj, size, red, green, blue): """ Writes movie of single color :param file_obj: file-like object to write movie to. :param int size: numbers of triples (RGB) to write to. :param red: integer between 0-255 representing red color :param green: integer between 0-255 representing green color :param blue: integer between 0-255 representing blue color """ assert red in range(0, 256) assert green in range(0, 256) assert blue in range(0, 256) bytes_str = struct.pack(">BBB", red, green, blue) for position in xrange(size): file_obj.write(bytes_str)
[docs] def set_static_color(self, red, green, blue): """ Sets static color for all leds :param red: integer between 0-255 representing red color :param green: integer between 0-255 representing green color :param blue: integer between 0-255 representing blue color """ assert red in range(0, 256) assert green in range(0, 256) assert blue in range(0, 256) response = self.get_device_info() number_of_led = response["number_of_led"] with io.BytesIO() as output: self.write_static_movie(output, number_of_led, red, green, blue) self.led_reset() self.set_led_movie_full(output) self.set_led_movie_config(1, 1, number_of_led)
[docs] def turn_on(self): """ Turns on the device. In the order tries to set mode to: playlist or movie. Once the device's response is ok, it stops trying. :raises HighInterfaceError: if none of mode sets returned ok response :rtype: :class:`~xled.response.ApplicationResponse` """ for mode in ("playlist", "movie", "effect"): response = self.set_mode(mode) if response.ok: return response raise HighInterfaceError("No device mode returned ok")
[docs] def turn_off(self): """ Turns off the device. """ return self.set_mode("off")
[docs] def is_on(self): """ Returns True if device is on """ return self.get_mode()["mode"] != "off"